Common Checkered-Skipper Butterfly (Pyrgus communis)

Common Checkered-Skipper Male
Copyright: Bud Hensley
This small skipper has a blue or black body and white and brown bands on the wings. The Common Checkered is not easy to identify because it closely resembles other skippers. Nevertheless, you can enjoy seeing this butterfly in sunny meadows and places with “disturbed” vegetation.
You may see a male aggressively patrolling his territory or female drinking from her favorite flower. The females lay eggs singly on the host plant, where the caterpillars will feed, nest, and hibernate in folded leaves. The Common Checkered is one of the most common skippers and is a delight to see in your backyard garden.

Copyright: Zina Flippen

Copyright: Fred Miller
Common Checkered-Skipper Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the Common Checkered-Skipper: (What is this?)
Nectar Plants for the Common Checkered-Skipper: (What is this?)
Aster, Red Clover, and more
Common Checkered-Skipper Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Skippers (Hesperiidae)
Butterfly Subfamily: Spread-wing Skipper (Pyrginae)
Butterfly Wingspan: 3/4 in. to 1 1/2 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Open areas, roadsides, gardens, meadows
Common Checkered-Skipper Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.