Reakirt's Blue Butterfly (Echinargus isola)

Reakirts Blue
Copyright: Regina Cutter Edwards
The Reakirt’s Blue is a beautiful little blue butterfly with a diverse list of host plants. It has developed a symbiotic relationship with as many as 13 species of ants. The ants protect the caterpillars in return for a sweet substance secreted from the caterpillar.
When the time comes to pupate, the caterpillar will crawl into the ants’ nest for protection but only has a mere 2 minutes to escape once it emerges as a butterfly. These fascinating butterflies are a joy in the garden as they quickly move from flower to flower.

Reakirts Blue
Copyright: Regina Cutter Edwards
Reakirt's Blue Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the Reakirt's Blue: (What is this?)
We are working on adding plants for this butterfly. See how you can help.
Nectar Plants for the Reakirt's Blue: (What is this?)
White Clover, and more
Reakirt's Blue Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Gossamer-wings (Lycaenidae)
Butterfly Subfamily: Blue (Polyommatinae)
Butterfly Wingspan: 3/4 in. to 1 1/4 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Open areas, desert, meadows, streams, fields
Similar To: Koa / Hawaiian Blue, Summer Azure
Reakirt's Blue Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.