By planting the host plants for these endangered butterflies, you can take action to protect U.S. butterflies for future generations. This list is far from exhaustive, but it’ll get you started.
- Karner blue butterfly → Wild lupine plant
- Callippe silverspot butterfly → Johnny-jump-on plant
- Bartram’s hairstreak butterfly → Pineland croton plant
- Saint Francis’ Satyr → Grasses, sedges, and rushes in wet, muddy, meadow-like ground
- San Bruno elfin butterfly → Sedum spathulifolium plant
- Schaus swallowtail → Torchwood and Wild Lime plants
- Palos verdes blue butterfly → Milkvetch and deerweed
- Florida leafwing butterfly → Pineland croton
- Uncompahgre fritillary butterfly → Snow willows
For more information on endangered butterfly species, visit Xerces Society.