(Submitted by Brandi in South Carolina)
After my father passed away from congestive heart failure in August of 2013, we drove to his hometown in Georgia where he was to be interred. I felt overwhelming grief and prayed to God to help me to have hope. Discover Brandi’s message of hope when seeing yellow butterflies. Continue reading her story.

Seeing Yellow Butterflies
I looked out of the car window about that time and I noticed yellow butterflies all along the roadside, but it did not seem a very uncommon a site for that time of year (though I had not noticed this kind of thing previous to his death).
But, as time went on, I kept seeing a yellow butterfly here and a yellow butterfly there, especially as I dealt with the aftermath (I am an only child). The butterflies seemed to be in very conspicuous places, and appeared at the time I really needed hope. I felt hopeless.
Read more: The Meaning of Yellow Butterflies
Butterflies Fly Around Me
They have flown very close to my head and come prominently into my yard and have flown across my porch from time to time. One landed on my son’s head one time in my front yard. Even my husband admits it seems supernatural.
Read more: What Does it Mean When a Butterfly Flies Around You?
Seeing Yellow Butterfly at Cemetery
Just this past Christmas (a day or two afterward) we went to Georgia to visit my father’s gravesite. Upon arriving at the church, the sun came out of the clouds. As soon as I stepped into the cemetery, I saw a yellow butterfly. Then, as my 5 year old son explored the idea of death and where his Papa went and looked across the cemetery at some other gravesites, the butterfly flew around us and right by his head. I am 100% sure it is my father. Praise the Lord!
Read more: Butterflies Appear at Gravesites