(Submitted by Pat in Georgia)
I visited your website for the first time tonight, trying to more specifically identify a butterfly I have had in my mind for over 15 years (black with blue on its back end).
It came to visit one day while I was working on a sensor light over my patio. It was a bit annoying, as I was teetering on a ladder ten feet off the ground and had never experienced such a tenacious butterfly, insisting on landing on my arm over and over. A short time later, we received the call that my father had died just about the same time the butterfly appeared.

Read more: Butterflies: Messengers of Death
Butterfly Good Bye Message
I felt a connection between these two events at the time but I felt strange telling the story to anyone. When I saw a similar story on your website, it brought tears to my eyes. I don’t understand it, but I have felt for a long time that my father came to tell me goodbye.
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