(Submitted by Stephanie from Florida)
I was never really interested in butterflies until the day my grandma and uncle started calling me their little butterfly. My uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer and died when I was 14. Four years later my grandma passed away from a heart attack.

Dedication of My Butterfly Tattoo to Love Ones
I dedicated my quinceañera theme to my uncle who passed. Three years after my grandma passed I decided to get a butterfly tattoo in remembrance of the two most important people in my life.
A couple months after, I noticed that for every significant moment in my life, or when I was just about to give up on everything, a butterfly would pass by me and just fly around me.
Now almost everyday no matter where I am or what time of day it is I see a butterfly and know it’s my grandma and uncle watching over me and making sure I don’t give up.
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