Tawny Emperor Butterfly (Asterocampa clyton)

Nectaring on a Peach
Copyright: Fred Miller
These fast flying butterflies are most common around Hackberry trees. They are often found on natural vegetation and are not common in human inhabited areas. As caterpillars, they are commonly found grouped together.
An amazing behavior this caterpillar has developed is site cleaning. They remove their frass – droppings from the leaf they are occupying; this reduces the chances of being located by a parasite. These interesting butterflies love well-ripened fruit. Setting out this treat may lure this orange and black patterned butterfly to your gardens.

Copyright: Fred Miller

Small Grey Butterfly on Fingers
Copyright: Diane P. Brooks

Orange Butterfly on Fingers
Copyright: Diane P. Brooks
Tawny Emperor Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the Tawny Emperor: (What is this?)
Nectar Plants for the Tawny Emperor: (What is this?)
Overripe Fruit, Tree Sap, and more
Tawny Emperor Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Brush-footed Butterflies (Nymphalidae)
Butterfly Subfamily: Emperor (Apaturinae)
Butterfly Wingspan: 1 1/2 in. to 2 1/2 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Trees, wooded areas
Similar To: Hackberry Emperor
Tawny Emperor Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.