Butterflies are a celebration of the fragile beauty of life as well as a reminder that something beautiful is waiting for us after a difficult transition. To some, the appearance of a butterfly signifies the presence of a loved one who has passed on.

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Through heartfelt butterfly stories, we have heard butterflies symbolizing the passing of a loved one or life struggles that people have endured to emerge as a better person. We have heard stories from cancer fighters and survivors, people who have dealt with mental breakdowns, heartache, and drug addictions. Butterflies have also been a symbol for weddings, celebrations, life, and our journeys.
Oftentimes, butterflies will grace you with their beauty and presence: fluttering about all around you, blessing you with regular visits, or landing on you to keep you company as you go about your business. Others will visit you shortly after the death of a loved one, blessing you with divine comfort during a time that you need it most.
Many cultures worldwide recognize the significance of butterflies as messengers from loved ones who have passed on. When butterflies start to show this sort of uncanny behavior, they may be trying to communicate a message.
Signs From Butterflies
Sometimes, the appearance of a butterfly after the passing of a friend or family member is simply a sign that they are with you always. They want you to know that they’re watching over you from the afterlife, offering you comfort during your most trying times.
Other times, the appearance of a butterfly symbolizes a more cryptic meaning. If you’ve experienced a butterfly encounter that you believe is a sign from above, then there are a few things you can do to test this method and determine its meaning.
Seeing a Butterfly — Sign From a Loved One?
While butterflies are quite frequently seen in nature, it’s important to note that not all sightings are going to be significant. So how do you know whether or not seeing a butterfly is a sign?
Picture this: you are feeling sad after the loss of a loved one and find yourself wishing for comfort, or even begging for a sign. If a butterfly comes to you during a time of momentous loss, pain, or need – or if you’ve specifically asked for a sign – then it’s very likely that it is. Some butterflies may even land directly on you when they really want to communicate with you.

Typically, if you are encountering a large group of butterflies (appropriately named a kaleidoscope) in a place where you usually wouldn’t see them, this may also be a recently passed relative trying to get your attention – and not subtly.
On certain occasions, the butterfly itself may not seem noteworthy or out of place, but you feel in your heart an overwhelming sense of peace. For some reason or another, sometimes you just know.
What Should You do When you Receive a Message From a Butterfly?
So, have you encountered a butterfly – or even a kaleidoscope of butterflies – that you believe is significant? When this happens, stop, breathe, and take in the moment. What other symbols are around you? What colors are the butterfly’s wings? Are there many of them, or just one?
Read more: A Butterfly From Heaven Story
What did you feel when the butterfly appeared to you? Did you notice any other significant sights, sounds, or smells at the time? Take the time to journal about your experience, recalling the details and writing down all your feelings on the matter. If you look deep within yourself, you may find that you already know the meaning of the message in your heart.
What Color Was the Butterfly Messager?
If you’ve encountered a butterfly that you believe is a messenger from a loved one who has passed on, you may still be left wondering – what message are they trying to send me? While the answer may not be so simple, you may be able to determine by taking a closer look at the species or color of the butterfly you’ve encountered.
Red Butterfly
The appearance of a red butterfly is oftentimes a symbol of love from a friend or family member who has recently passed. If this person was a fiery individual in life or someone who was bold and always loved to be noticed, then it’s no surprise that they chose to reach out to you in this way.
Read more: Meaning of Red Butterflies
Orange Butterfly
It is said that an orange butterfly is the herald of death, carrying on its wings the message that a loved one has just passed. It represents the transformation between life and death, and the journey a spirit undertakes in the liminal space.
Furthermore, orange butterflies signify inspiration, passion, and excitement. They serve as a reminder to embrace life with a sense of bold, boundless positivity, for you never know which day may be your last.
Read More: The Symbolism of Orange Butterflies
Yellow Butterfly
Much like the orange butterfly, seeing a yellow butterfly can be a sign of positivity and hope after the passing of a loved one. Yellow represents happiness, so you can be sure that the person who sent you this message is in a much better place. It is also a sign that this person has attained a higher sense of spirituality in their transformation from the living world to the next.
Read More: What a Yellow Butterfly Means
Green Butterfly
Green is the color of prosperity and shows that your loved ones are fortuitous in the afterlife. It is a sign that Heaven is indeed bountiful and wondrous, and they are all the better for having reached their true form. What’s more, a green butterfly is a symbol of hope and good fortune to those who are blessed to encounter one.
Read More: Meaning of Green Butterflies
Blue Butterfly
If your message is delivered by a blue butterfly, it’s truly a sign from beyond. Signifying hope, joy, and spirituality, this butterfly brings with it messages of love and spiritual rebirth.
Blue butterflies carry a bold mystique: while some cultures believe them to grant wishes, others see them as the physical embodiment of a wandering spirit or a person’s soul. When you encounter one, always be respectful.
Read More: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Blue Butterflies
Purple Butterfly
An incredibly rare sight, a purple butterfly is a profound symbol of transformation and may indicate the strong presence of a guardian angel watching over you. These beauties may also signify a new prospect or idea coming to life in your future, so be on the lookout for creative bursts and follow your intuition wherever it takes you.
Read More: The Symbolism of Purple Butterflies
Brown Butterfly
Brown butterflies are thought to be spirits of our ancestors, visiting in person to look after you or to ensure that their message is properly conveyed. If a spirit intends to show you something specific, lead you to a certain place, or warn you of impending danger, it may decide to appear to you as a brown butterfly, so always pay attention!
Read More: What Does it Mean When You See a Brown Butterfly?
Black Butterfly
While certain cultures believe a black butterfly to be a portent of death, it’s not always considered a bad omen. Death is not always literal – this butterfly may be a symbol of deep transformation. It may indicate a transitional period that is downright scary, but from it, you will be reborn and your flame will burn ever brighter.
Read More: Meaning and Symbolism of a Black Butterfly
White Butterfly
A white butterfly can symbolize the presence of a spirit guide, angel, or loved one who has passed on. Many cultures read this as a positive omen or a sign that you’re being tenderly looked after. On the other hand, some may see white butterflies take a liking to you and interpret it as an omen of your impending death.
Read More: What a White Butterfly Means
While interpretations may vary from culture to culture, it’s important to look deep within yourself to understand what a sign may mean to you personally. Only you have your unique life view and experiences, so it’s up to you to interpret how something may be significant to you. If this differs from someone else’s practice, then that’s okay – your destiny is yours to create, unravel, and understand. Just follow the trail of butterflies…