Great Southern White Butterfly (Ascia monuste)

Great Southern White
Copyright: Fred Miller
It’s not just a black and white world in your garden with these lively fliers. The female forms of this butterfly show shades of smoky gray in warmer temperatures. Both the male and females have a black zigzag pattern on the margins of their upper wings.
They are low, kind of lazy fliers that will migrate if the area becomes over crowded or food source becomes scarce. These butterflies are most popular in the southern coastal areas. They are a great addition to any southern butterfly garden.
Great Southern White Photos, Facts, And Information

Tan Chrysalis with Spikes
Copyright: Fred Miller

Copyright: Fred Miller

Copyright: Fred Miller
Great Southern White Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the Great Southern White: (What is this?)
Nectar Plants for the Great Southern White: (What is this?)
Lantana, Tall Verbena, and more
Great Southern White Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Whites & Sulphurs (Pieridae)
Butterfly Subfamily: White (Pierinae)
Butterfly Wingspan: 1 3/4 in. to 3 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Marshes, open areas, gardens
Similar To: Cabbage White
Great Southern White Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.